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What Addiction To Heroin Looks Like

05/28/20: Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is no joke. It’s an issue that plagues this world and it never shows any signs of slowing down. More specifically, illicit drugs have become a huge issue…

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Are Celebrites More Susceptible To Addiction?

08/05/19: Addiction Prevention \ Addiction Recovery

To be at your creative best, you need to put in an extensive amount of physical and emotional input. The fact that the creative and/or entertainment industry is one of…

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Public Service Workers And Addiction

02/28/19: Addiction \ Addiction Recovery

Just how common is addiction in our society today? More common than you think! There are over 20 million Americans, out of the 327 million, that struggle with some form…

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Addicted To Hope Rally

12/27/18: Addiction \ Addiction Recovery

There is no denying that addiction is a disease, and any disease needs treatment. People tend to think addiction is just a matter of will, but it’s not that simple….

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Gateway Drugs: Fact or Fiction?

10/11/18: Addiction Prevention

What Are Gateway Drugs? Gateway drugs is a term used to describe some lighter drugs, such as marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol that lead to a higher likelihood of using more…

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If Mom Is an Alcoholic, Will I Follow Her Footsteps?

02/16/18: Alcohol Addiction

As women begin to band together (long time coming) to voice their outrage about unequal pay and sexual harassment in the workplace, feminists across the U.S. are gaining traction is…

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Thumb image for the post on How Addiction Creep and Drug Use Connect

How Addiction Creep and Drug Use Connect

12/15/17: Addiction \ Addiction Prevention \ Drug Addiction

No one ever really starts drug or alcohol use with the intent on becoming an addict. So how does it happen, too frequently and too fast? There are some basic…

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If you or someone you know needs help with addiction, contact Arizona Addiction of AZ now to get the help you need. Arizona Addiction offers an acclaimed recovery environment that merges upscale and luxury accommodations with affordability, clinical expertise and an unwavering commitment to patient care and aftercare. Call us now at 602-737-1619.