Molly/MDMA Addiction

Molly/MDMA is a substance commonly found in the younger generations, especially those that engage in night club and festival scenes. This drug acts as a stimulant and hallucinogen. MDMA is the scientific term for Molly and Ecstasy and it is primarily used as a recreational drug.

What is Molly/ MDMA?

Molly is an illegal drug that is known to be used by party-goers. MDMA is a synthetic drug that is commonly called ecstasy. Molly is an alternate form of MDMA that became popular in the early 1990s. This substance gives an energizing sensation to the user and that can uplift a mood. For these reasons, this is a drug of choice for people in clubs, raves, and concerts. 

Molly is considered a Schedule I drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) which defines it as having no medicinal use, but a high potential for misuse and abuse. 

How Do You Take It?

Molly is a crystal-like substance that can be mixed into water and other beverages. Other popular forms of intake is through sniffing, smoking using a pipe or rolling it in to a cigarette. Most commonly, and most often form depicted in popular entertainment, is via a capsule or tablet. A common practice, especially due to the accessibility of other substances while at events, is to combine it with other addictive drugs like marijuana and alcohol.

Molly/MDMA Tolerance

Despite popular opinion, a person can die from Molly and MDMA on their first time. With that being the case, there is no such thing as “a limit” or “tolerance” as it causes serious, and instantaneous effects on all people - even from one use.This drug is often considered a happy pill, or an upper, as it enhances and adds sensations that feel positive. However, it has dangerous effects upon the comedown or with the intensity of an addiction that can follow. 

People who engage in  using the substance will experience many physical, emotional, and mental changes, often all at once with the effect of the drug lasting for 12 to 24 hours.

What is Molly/MDMA abuse?

The effects of Molly and MDMA in the body are extremely dangerous. MDMA increases brain chemicals in the body particularly, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Serotonin.


Dopamine is responsible for sending messages among the nervous system in the body. It affects how a person thinks and feels pleasure and it is known to be a chemical messenger. It acts as a messenger to other cells as well, which is why the body needs to be at a normalized level of dopamine If the dopamine is not at normal function, the cells meddle with each other, and result in a more serious problem.


Norepinephrine is sometimes called noradrenaline and is responsible for increasing the force of skeletal muscle contractions and the force of contractions of the heart. This chemical is vital in heart rate and blood pressure and must be normalized and maintained steadily to ensure the health and well-being of the heart itself.


Serotonin is called the happy chemical because it contributes to the wellbeing and happiness of a person while also having other beneficial effects on the body. Serotonin is directly related to mood, appetite, and sleep. While on MDMA, the user experiences emotional closeness, mood swings, and empathy. There are other physical effects that occur when using Molly and MDMA such as nausea, blurred vision, teeth clenching, chills and sweating.

Is Molly dangerous?

Molly and MDMA are exceedingly dangerous when abused, but it is especially dangerous when mixed with other drugs. People tend to create a misconception that Molly's in-take is safe as long as it is not “ecstasy”.

Because of the “positive” effects of Molly such as euphoric feelings, a person can make poor judgments under the influence. The ability to decipher fantasy from reality and dangerous consequences of decisions being made in that state can cause bodily harm to yourself or others. People who are in this state of mind while on the drug often participate in unsafe sex which leads to a higher chance of contracting an STD such as HIV. In addition, this drug, in particular, affects the heart, which can lead to a stroke, heart attack or even death. 

Who abuses it?

Molly is popular with various kinds of people in the world but is especially rampant amongst clubgoers and ravers. A study from the University of Michigan shows that the range of Molly users starts from 10th grade and goes to adulthood, so it is affecting the lives of all generations.

The risks of using Molly and MDMA are fatal because it affects the heart, brain, and other major organs in the body. When it fades, a person may experience withdrawal symptoms that include;

  • Drug Cravings
  • Depression
  • Confusion
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble with Concentration
  • Memory loss

Although Molly is a happy pill, a person still can experience depression. When the effects of the drug wear off, a person can feel a certain longing for it and if he or she cannot sustain and feed him or her substance then they tend to be frustrated and confused resulting in depression.

It affects how a person thinks, and thus, the ability to remember things and situations. Technically, a person has to face hallucinations and memory loss when exposed to substance use.

To prevent these withdrawal symptoms, a person often chooses to continue using Molly and MDMA. A person who consumes excessive drugs like Molly might suffer panic attacks, seizures, dehydration, kidney problems, and heart problems, which can result in death.

Quitting is Possible

Quitting is possible for a person who is addicted to the substance just with proper guidance and support from the people around the patient. Doctors and professionals use specific treatment plans that manage the withdrawal symptoms, aid in psychological support during, and may even recommend medical help if there are physical issues that have happen due to the abuse.