Meth Addiction & Treatment at Drug Rehab in Phoenix

02/20/19: Addiction Recovery \ Drug Addiction
When you talk about drug addiction these days, methamphetamine, or meth for short, is getting plenty of attention. That’s due to the fact that meth use is on the rise. Meth overdoses accounted for 11,000 of all overdoses last year. That’s a 500% increase in just one decade. In the Phoenix area, the federal DEA considers meth the number one drug threat in Arizona due to its proximity to the Mexican border where it is known to be manufactured. That’s why getting addicts help at a drug rehab in Phoenix is so crucial. Meth takes over a user’s mind and body, making it addictive while causing harmful effects.

What is Meth?

Meth is a powerful and highly addictive drug that falls into the category of stimulant drugs. Its chemical makeup is similar to drugs used to treat attention deficit disorder. Meth usually comes in the form of a bitter-tasting pill or powder. There is also crystal meth which looks like shiny pieces of glass or rocks. Meth can be ingested, snorted, or injected. The drug is known to give a fast high and fade just as quickly. That’s why many users binge on the drug, often causing them not to eat or sleep for days.

How Does Meth Affect the Mind and Body?

Meth use has devastating effects on the brain because it shrinks gray matter. It can cause rapid mood swings, hallucinations, violent behavior and a loss of appetite. Users can often find themselves dealing with high and low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, and convulsions, among other symptoms. Meth also impacts the brain’s dopamine system which can lead to reduced coordination and learning problems. Some studies have also shown that meth use puts a person at an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Meth is known to stay in the body longer than other drugs as only half of it leaves the body in a 12-hour span. Meth also takes a toll on the user physically. Because many skip meals to use, they become extremely skinny. They can also develop what’s called “meth mouth” which refers to lost teeth and other severe dental problems. Intense itching and skin sores are also an effect of meth use. For those who inject the drug, the risk of contracting HIV and Hepatitis also dramatically increases. Risky sexual behavior is also associated with chronic meth use. As a person continues to use the drug and become addicted, they often need it in higher quantities and more often to maintain their high, thus only increasing the damaging effects on their mind and body.

How to Treat Meth Addiction

One of the most important things to realize about treating a meth addiction is coming to the conclusion that you cannot do it alone. Professional help in the form of a rehab center is needed to help get you on the right path. There are currently more than one million people across the country in rehab for some type of substance addiction.

Detoxing From Meth Addiction

When it comes to treating a meth addiction many people must first detox their body from the drug. Their bodies must be clean before they can start to dig deeper into the roots of their addiction. This can be a very painful and sometimes dangerous process that should be handled by professionals. As a patient goes through detox at a medical facility, there are doctors and nurses on hand to monitor the patient so that everything goes safely. Meth withdrawal can come with its fair share of side effects that include hallucinations, agitation, increased appetite, insomnia, and sometimes even suicidal thoughts. Since every person is different, the time it takes to completely detox will differ. The level of drug abuse and the amount of drugs in a person’s body also plays a big role. Getting support can also encourage addicts to stay on their treatment path.

Rehab and Therapy

Once detox is over, a big part of the treatment process for meth addicts is to receive therapy and treatment. Inpatient therapy can help the addict discover what led to their drug problem and how to avoid those triggers. Many times changing behavior and disassociating from certain people is needed in order to stay clean. If a patient stays with their rehab program, they can typically begin to feel better after about one month, although everyone will react differently. By this time, withdrawal symptoms typically go away, although feelings of depression may still linger. Detoxing and entering a rehab program is only part of the recovery process. You must also learn how to maintain your sobriety. This can be done through outpatient therapy as well as other programs that can help to keep you on the right path. For many recovering addicts, staying sober is a lifelong journey that requires constant work. Getting meth treatment at drug rehab in Phoenix such as Arizona Addiction can help addicts overcome their addictions. Arizona Addiction works with top-rated treatment facilities to give clients the best care. Choosing a rehab facility in Arizona can help provide the perfect peaceful setting as you undergo recovery from your meth addiction. At Arizona Addiction, we also walk you through the insurance process to see what treatments are covered so that there’s no guesswork. If you’re ready to take the first step in battling your meth addiction, call Arizona Addiction today. There are staff members available 24/7 to take your call. We offer same day placement into detox and rehab programs. Help is here for you at Arizona Addiction. Content for Arizona Addiction by Cohn Media, LLC. Passionate and creative writing and broadcasting, covering the following industries: addiction rehab, health care, entertainment and technology. Advocate of clear communication, positivity and humanity at its best.

If you or someone you know needs help with addiction, contact 602-737-1619 or email [email protected] to get the help you need. Our acclaimed recovery environment merges upscale, luxury accommodations with affordability, clinical expertise and an unwavering commitment to patient care and aftercare.

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