The Influence of Adventure Therapy and Wellness on Addiction
10/20/18: Addiction
For those of you who struggle with addiction, or have a loved one who is on the road to recovery, you understand the challenges associated with drug and alcohol addiction. It affects the life of the addict, the lives of the people around them, and the overall wellbeing of everyone involved. Addictions are stressful because those watching from the outside are fearful of overdose, and those affected can’t seem to break free on their own. This is where treatment becomes critical: you must put an end to a substance abuse issue before it’s too late. Whether that means getting help for yourself or someone else, something must be done. Death is the harsh result of addiction for some, but proper rehabilitation can get you back on the right path before reaching that fatal state. Recovery is an ongoing journey, and you will continue to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually with every passing day. This will require you to find hobbies and activities that interest you, promote sobriety, and positively impact your health and wellness. The blog below is your guide to how lifestyle and wellness can influence your recovery for the better.The Links Between Wellness and Recovery
Altering your lifestyle can impact your life in the following ways:
- Eating Healthy: in doing so, you will have the energy you need to focus on fulfilling goals and staying clean. Good nutrition also supports symptoms associated with symptoms of anxiety or depression, and heals your body from the inside out. After a drug addiction, your physical function has been highly compromised and it’s more important than ever to begin reversing this damage with nutritious foods. This is also the first step towards positive self-care.
- Physical Activity: this helps your body recover in a very natural way, and workouts release certain endorphins that leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated. Exercise has also been shown to release critical neurotransmitters, naturally elevating moods in a positive, healthy way. Participating in social sports also provides greater support. Whether it’s joining your local gym, signing up for a recreational sports team, or practicing simple yoga, staying active will always have a positive effect on your recovery and long-term sobriety.
- Mindfulness:Practicing mindfulness allows you to overcome any stress and chaos you are currently experiencing in your life. Mindfulness teaches you how to tune in with the emotions you are feeling at a particular instance in time. As you learn to live in the moment, you can develop healthier ways of dealing with your feelings rather than becoming overwhelmed with emotion.
Adventure Therapy
Research has continued to support the relationship between adventure therapy and positive recovery outcomes. Not only has nature been shown to offer healing effects, recovering addicts that practice adventure therapy also benefit from greater self-awareness and self-esteem. Also known as experiential education, adventure therapy allows recovering addicts to gain trust and pro-social behavior through activities such as cooperative games, exploring the wilderness, tackling hikes, and working with others to solve problems. Faced with challenges in an exciting, supportive environment, patients are able to overcome underlying issues that test them mentally and physically. If they can complete activities such as rope courses or rock climbing, their esteem is heightened and the belief that they can overcome their addiction is much stronger. The practical lessons taken away from activities based in adventure therapy are also carried through a patient’s life of sobriety, providing them with greater insight and appreciation for the world around them. Adventure therapy is also beneficial because it is based on natural instinct, versus the chemically induced urges caused by drug and alcohol addiction. Once a person is in tune with their true self, it becomes much easier to control impulses and decide which course of action is beneficial and which is not. Arizona Addiction offers a variety of holistic treatments options, which can be completed individually or at the same time as any of our other programs. Our aim at AA is to provide you with as many tools as you need for a complete, successful recovery. Have questions about your journey to sobriety? Contact us today and we’ll be happy to discuss the best program options for your case. Content for Arizona Addiction by Cohn Media, LLC. Passionate and creative writing and broadcasting, covering the following industries: addiction rehab, health care, entertainment and technology. Advocate of clear communication, positivity and humanity at its best. www.cohn.mediaIf you or someone you know needs help with addiction, contact 602-737-1619 or email [email protected] to get the help you need. Our acclaimed recovery environment merges upscale, luxury accommodations with affordability, clinical expertise and an unwavering commitment to patient care and aftercare.