Mixing With Fentanyl
03/07/19: Addiction Recovery \ Drug Addiction
This country has been facing a serious problem: opioid addiction. This opioid epidemic started back a few decades ago when doctors would overprescribe painkillers to patients without knowing the true outcomes of the prescribed amounts. Because of this, people have become addicted to opioids and the rate at which these people are abusing them is climbing fast. Concerns for health and narcotic regulations have also climbed swiftly. Studies show that in 2018, there were over 42,000 deaths from opioid overdoses. That’s over 100 deaths everyday! This number doesn’t even factor in the number of people that abuse the substance every day or have recovered from an overdose. There have been over 500,000 cases of overdose deaths from opioid overdose, but the drug has only been an illicit substance since 2012. The number of deaths related to opioid addiction keeps climbing every year. In 2010, death from fentanyl involved overdose was at 14.3%. Now, the death rate from fentanyl involved overdose is at a staggering 59%. These statistics are very alarming; they shine some light on the serious epidemic this country is facing. The main opioid we are going to talk about is fentanyl, but what is it? Fentanyl is an opioid painkiller that is only used for unbearable pain experienced after serious surgeries, cancer treatments, or serious accidents/injuries. The drug was also originally used to incapacitate large mammals like buffalos, rhinos, and elephants. The opioid was put into sleeping darts to help wildlife preservationists transports or aid these animals in different ways. Since the drug has been introduced into the medical world, it has become one of the most widely abused painkillers. This drug is extremely potent, more potent than morphine, one of the strongest painkillers. This drug is even stronger than heroin which is another highly potent and widely abused substance. Why have people become so addicted to this drug? Since it is stronger than heroin, morphine, and most painkillers out there, people can use a small amount to get their euphoric high or pain relief they think they need. The drug can also be illegally sold at a lower price than heroin, making it even more desirable to those who are addicted to it. The problem is that since the drug is so potent, people can easily overdose from it. Even the smallest amount can cause someone to overdose. To put it in perspective, the equivalent of a few grains of salt of fentanyl is used to put a buffalo to sleep. If a human comes into contact with this drug, via lungs, skin, mouth, etc., they can easily overdose and die. This goes to show exactly how dangerous this drug is and how serious this epidemic can be. The worst part about all of this is that people have begun to mix fentanyl with other substances in attempts to create a greater euphoria for themselves. The most common substances people have begun to mix fentanyl with are Xanax, alcohol, and heroin. In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of mixing other substances with fentanyl and why you should avoid it.Mixing With Xanax
Xanax is a is a short-acting benzodiazepine, that is used to treat anxiety disorders including panic disorder. However, many people have started to abuse this substance as a way to help them ease general stress or help them focus on something. College students across the U.S. have started to use it for these reasons, self-medicating and creating an even greater population of people who abuse it. Most of these people obtain this drug illegally from street sellers. Recently, the drug has started to become laced with fentanyl to create an even greater high for the buyers. When these two substances are combined, it can create an incredibly powerful high for a person, but it is very dangerous. Most people that take the fentanyl-laced Xanax are not aware that the opioid is in their purchased drug. Some people, however, purposely stack the two drugs on top of one another in order to achieve that very powerful high. When a user is unaware of the opioid-laced Xanax, their tolerance may not be as good as those who frequently take both drugs at one time. This results in respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, and even fatality. If a person does survive this, their chances of becoming addicted skyrocket.Mixing With Heroin
Just as we discussed with Xanax, some people that ingest fentanyl may not know they are. As is the case with heroin, most of the time. Heroin is one of the most potent drugs out there and is commonly abused. However, fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin. The problem arises when street sellers start mixing fentanyl with heroin. Some buyers are unknowingly ingesting heroin and fentanyl at the same time. Those who survive this concoction form a serious addiction and those that don’t have a high enough tolerance are more likely to overdose and die. When someone survives this drug, they build an immensely profitable market for drug dealers all across America.Mixing With Alcohol
When it comes to mixing alcohol with fentanyl, it can be just as dangerous as mixing with other illicit substances. Alcohol is a depressant and it can give you feelings of numbness. Opioids are the exact same when it comes to this. Each of them acts like painkillers and can be highly addictive. Each of these substances acts as central nervous system depressants, but if you have a fentanyl prescription you are highly advised against mixing it with alcohol. When you mix these two depressants together, you can experience serious, even fatal issues. Some of these issues include seizures, hypothermia, memory loss, slowed heart rate, vomiting, and restricted breathing. There is no doubt that mixing fentanyl with any other substance is dangerous. Fentanyl is already so dangerous on its own; mixing it with any other substance can easily result in deadly consequences. If you or a loved one has struggled with fentanyl or any other addiction, there are resources and addiction centers out there that will help. Content for Arizona Addiction by Cohn Media, LLC. Passionate and creative writing and broadcasting, covering the following industries: addiction rehab, health care, entertainment and technology. Advocate of clear communication, positivity and humanity at its best. www.cohn.mediaIf you or someone you know needs help with addiction, contact 602-737-1619 or email [email protected] to get the help you need. Our acclaimed recovery environment merges upscale, luxury accommodations with affordability, clinical expertise and an unwavering commitment to patient care and aftercare.