Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA Meetings) Near You!

Alcoholics Anonymous is a self-supporting fellowship of men and women, not allied by any denomination, political organization or institution, working together to achieve sobriety by working the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Most of the time, AA meetings will are devoted to an open sharing session, in which those in attendance discuss any personal issues, worries, and/or concerns. Other times, AA meetings have guest speakers who come and share their story based on the topic of the discussion taking place at the meeting. There are many benefits for alcoholics and/or drug addicts who choose to share at an AA meeting, since sharing is a great way to relieve pent-up stress and tension that one may be experiencing at that time. Membership to AA is open to men and women of all ages who want to achieve lifelong sobriety and recovery.

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Sometimes AA is not enough, it doesn’t dig deep enough to possible child hood trauma, PTSD and or other traumatic events that cause to one masking their pain with drugs and alcohol. In that case, a higher success rate of long term sobriety may be achieved by entering a long term, inpatient rehab facility. There are many to choose from however and some of them are not accredited or experienced. Call us and we’ll help you find the right drug and alcohol rehab facility for yourself or a loved one. Most times private PPO Insurance will cover most or all your stay at an accredited treatment center in your area. Fill out this confidential insurance verification form and we’ll help you every step of the way !